Disease Control – Contact Fungicide
Odeon/ Daconil/Talonil | Read More
Broad spectrum contact control of certain turf diseases.
DESCRIPTION: A contact fungicide for the control of a wide range of turf diseases .
ADVANTAGES: Broad-spectrum control of turf diseases * Easy to use * Rainfast within 1 hour * Low risk of resistance.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Chlorothalonil 720g/l
NOTES: ODEON 720 SC must be applied as a preventive application. Good coverage on both upper and lower surfaces of leaves should be ensured. Repeat application if 12mm or more rain or irrigation is received within 72 hours after application. If weather conditions favourable for the development of disease prevail for long periods, it should be considered to alternate Odeon 720 sc with registered systemic fungicides.
APPLICATION RATE: 5 liter/ 700 liter water/ hectare or 50ml/ 7 liter water/ 100m2