Turf Disease Control – Systemic Fungicide

Henchem Lines
Systemic root absorbing fungicides for the control of certain turf disease on golf courses, sport fields, parks, lawn and other maintained turf grass.

Banner Maxx | Read More

Advanced systemic control of turf diseases.

DESCRIPTION: A systemic fungicide for the control of a wide range of turf diseases.

ADVANTAGES: Broad spectrum control of turf diseases * Easy to use * Provides protection for up to 28 days against dollar spot * rain fast within 1 hour * Compatible with Chlorothalonil containing products.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Propiconazole 156g/l (triazole)

NOTES: Apply no more than 3 consecutive applications of BANNER® MAXX before changing to an unrelated fungicide e.g. DACONIL WEATHERSTIK having a different mode of action.

APPLICATION RATE: 3.2-6.4 liter/ 1000 liter water/ hectare or 64ml/10 liter water/ 100m2

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Heritage Max | Read More

Advanced systemic control of turf diseases.

DESCRIPTION: A water dispersible granule systemic and translaminar fungicide with curative properties for the preventive control of diseases in lawns and turf grasses, other sports fields and recreational areas.

ADVANTAGES: Broadest spectrum control of turf diseases * Easy to use.Rainfast within 1 hour * Low risk of resistance.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Azoxystrobin 500g/ (Strobilurin)

NOTES: Begin application before disease is present (usually late May or June) when environmental conditions favour disease development, i.e., relative humidity greater than 90% for at least 9 hours, maximum daily temperature of 27.7oC and low temperature of 20oC.

APPLICATION RATE: 0,5g–1,25g/ha

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Daconil | Read More

DESCRIPTION: A contact fungicide for the control of a wide range of turf diseases.

ADVANTAGES: Daconil weather stick adheres better on leave surface and provides longer control. Broad-spectrum control of turf diseases. Easy to use. Rain fast within 1 hour. Low risk of resistance.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Chlorothalonil 720g/l

APPLICATION RATE: 5 – 7.5 liter/ 500 liter water/ hectare or 50 – 75l / 5 liter water/ 100m2

CONTROLS: Dollar spot, brown patch.

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